
Waaaaaaaaay back in February of last year, I sank my old predator (the first model I ever bought for 40k) into some simple green. I was planning to strip it of its MANY layers of paint to conscript it into yet another army. At the time the Dark Angels were eying the tank, but that project (like so many of mine) went the way of ebay. As such, this poor sunken wreck remained in its watery...or rather Simple Green grave till today.

I recently downloaded the first two Horus Heresy rule books (and many thanks to those fine Russians who make such things possible), and have been pondering a small Warhammer 30k force ever since. Now, to be honest, I'd LOVE, love, love, love to have the actual FW books, but I don't have the funds to spend $100+ on just one book, much less three of them. Maybe one day...

The extra bit is from an old IG Griffon that was used as extra armor on the tank's front. I've found another of these in my bitz box, so I won't have to worry about stripping the glue off of it. I also found a brand new set of side doors, so I may just run it without sponsons.
Still a bit of crud to remove on the front and the side sponsons...
...speaking of those sponsons, if you're in the market for some, they're available here. ;-)

Likewise I don't have the funds for a 30K army either, but I do have some old minis, such as this one that will scratch that itch with minimal, if any cost to me. It still needs some clean up, but is coming along nicely. Indeed, especially so when considering that whilst scrubbing off the layers of paint, the tank looked like something from one of Nurgle's fantasies, ugh.