Well not exactly but close enough. Thanksgiving day I had to put my toys away... that is to say all of my modeling stuff was dominating he kitchen table and had to be moved for dinner.
Well for the ADD mind out of sight it ALWAYS out of mind and my plans of working on my army all Thanksgiving weekend didn't really happen... and haven't really since.
To be fair things have been busy and I was also waiting for some bits for my next project but I've been allowing life get in the way a little too. Been having trouble sleeping and the last thing I have wanted to do when I get home at night is model, despite knowing that I should.
I pulled it all out this weekend and dumped it back in it's pile so I would see it, still I didn't get to it until last night.
So I'm back on the wagon as it were, I'm not dead and yes the blog is still very much helping me stay motivated overall. Once again thank you all for that. Hope to get some pics up soon of my current project: A Sorcerer (Rune Priest)