
This week I've managed to squeeze in a little bit of hobby time. In doing so I cleaned up my original predator a smidge in preparation for giving 30k a try this weekend with Scott. I also added a few bits and bobs. Spikes with the heads of those victims of Istvaan IV, a spare fuel drum, and a havoc launcher which I acquired in last weekend's game night bitz swap.

Headlights? Night lords don't need no headlights! (The more I looked at the Alpha Legion rules the less I liked them...)

I plan to plasticard over the sides (including the hatches) to look like spaced armor. Plus that will save me from trying to scrape the old dried glue crud from around the hatches. In case you're wondering there's a crew access hatch under the fuel drum, best not to suffer a penetrating hit though, as odds of getting out of the inferno before dying is debatable.

For all the Tim Conway fans out there, its: DORF ON ROBOTS!!!

Another fun addition has been my Magos Dominus to lead my Mechanicum forces. Not wanting a techmarine to lead the droids (proxied Necron Immortals for this first outing of 30k). I also don't like any of the engineseer minis aside from the old GW SKULLZ models which go for exorbitant prices on ebay. So after some perusing ebay I found an old, and reasonably priced Chaos Squat in exo-armor (the Nids hadn't reached the galaxy yet).

Being the runt that he is, I decided to outfit him with an 'Abeyant'. That's a mobile unit that give the 'magos' move thru cover, it will not die, very bulky, hardened armor and an additional wound. Most important of all, it means he'll be able to see over walls too!
