I've been keeping my ear to the ground for rumors on the upcoming Blood Angels Codex and while there haven't been any developments the past few days I did want to post a rumor round up.

via an anonymous reader on Faeit 212: 10.12.2014
• The Blood Angels Codex briefly showed up on the Games Workshop mobile website. Cover featured what looked like a Sanguinary Guard surrounded by fire.

via Lords of War Gaming on Facebook: 10.11.2014
• Blood Angels Codex will be called Adeptus Astartes: Blood Angels. All future Codexes will use this same naming scheme.
• The Blood Angels Codex cover that is making the rounds is fake (I claim partial responsibility for this. See this post. –TH).

More rumors after the break.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212: 10.09.2014
• Blood Angels are indeed pegged for a mid-November release but there will be little or even no model releases at all.

via various sources: 10.09.2014
• New Mephiston in plastic. Huge, standing almost as tall as a terminator. Sword low across front in right arm. Left extented over the top with hand spread...individual fingers. Looks like he's lunging forward sweeping the blade in an uppercut. Cape blown about behind him. Model has skull and blood drop iconography all over. Aegis extends up like the cowl of the old figure but is much more recognisable as a psychic hood. Face is incredibly detailed. Fangs are visible.
• New Tycho in plastic. Death Company iconography with nipple armour. Carries a chainsword and signature combi-melta.
• New Corbulo in plastic wearing Sanguinary armour. Holding the Blood Chalice in two hands over his head as if in offering.
• New Blood Angels Terminators. Kit makes Terminators, Captain in Terminator Armour, Librarian in Terminator Armour, or new unit. Stormbolters are standard and not wrist mounted. Kit includes Power Axes, Power Fists, Power Sword, Force Sword, Heavy Flamer, Assault Cannon, new 2-handed Heavy Cannon, Banner. Also includes Librarian options (torso/tabard/shoulders/weapon), Captain options (combi-weapons), and a ton of bits.

via Lord of War Gaming on Facebook: 10.08.2014
• Blood Angels will be released at the end of the year.

via an anonymous reader on Faeit 212: 10.04.2014 
• In the Dark Eldar Codex, the following typo was showing under data sheets: "Each Blood Angels Unit in this book..."

via Steve the Warboss: 09.26.2014
• Blood Angels released soon after Warhammer: The End Times Book 2
• The release slot will be used to replace old Space Marine kits with a realistic release window being between 4-5 weeks

via Steve the Warboss: 09.26.2014
• New Captain Character (possibly 1st Company)
• Mephiston in plastic. Becomes an uber Psyker and a Lord of War.
• New Terminator Box with all weapon options
• New Assault Marine Box
• New generic Dreadnought
• New Honour Guard Box
• Blood Angels Painting Guide
• Codex Supplement featuring the new Captain
• The Flesh Tearers are now watched by the Inquisition
• A rumor is making the rounds in the Imperium that one of the successors are traitors (not the Flesh Tearers)
• Attitude of Imperial authorities toward the Blood Angels worsens

via Larry Vela on Bell of Lost Souls: 07.14.2014
• Mephiston becomes a Lord of War
• Blood Angels gain access to the Storm Talon from Codex: Space Marines, but not the new tanks
• New "Sanguinary" Unit in Terminator Armour
• Plastic Sanguinary Priest
• New wheeled vehicle
• Classic character gets a resculpt (contrary rumors between Mephiston/Tycho)

via anonymous source on Faeit 212: 05.12.14
• New Captain with second edition gold armour design and combo-melta
• New Predator kit containing options for Baal, Destructor, and Annihilator. Also includes a new melt turret.
• New multi-kit box featuring Honour Guard/Blood Brothers. Blood Brothers survived as members of the Death Company and have turned back to normal Adeptus Astartes. They are like Vanguard Veterans but more Blood Angel-like and with different weapon options.

via anonymous source on Faeit 212: 05.10.14
• A few models have been reworked, use of vehicles, and weapons previously not in the codex will be added. A few Blood Angels models should appear before the codex is released.