
Thursday evening, Wolfy and I made a trip out to the FLGS for a game of X-Wing vs. I.R./Voril and Kushial. Originally it was supposed to be a 3v3 game, but getting 4 out of 6 original players is about right for  the stereotypically unreliable gamer crowd. I asked if I could borrow I.R./Voril's Lambda shuttle so I could give it a try. He's never been fond of it, but Wolfy really wants one, or rather wanted one...as much to our surprise, I.R./Voril gave it to her! Holy crap!?!? Really?

Yes really. So awesome!

X-Wing is really just bumper cars with guns...

As such, it was put to immediate use in our game, and Wolfy and I, fielding the Empire and won the game (eventually...200 point games can run rather long)! In a following 100 point game, I.R./Voril and Kushial won, though it was fairly close as their 2 ships had 2 hull points left between them, making it a rather close game and a good night of fun!