Traitors Hate Formations & Tactics

A tactical analysis of the formations and rules in the Chaos Space Marines supplement Traitors Hate.Chaos Space Marines getting some love from Games Workshop is a big deal. And as one of the armies Space Wolves players are most likely to face in Warhammer 40K, I felt...

Space Wolves VS Space Marines/Orks 1850 Battle Report

Bill Durrett's Space Wolves hack, slash and howl their way through the Orkish hordes, topple a mighty Stompa and battle the treacherous Salamander Space Marines who were in league with the greenskins.Over to Bill..."The Space Wolves were told of an Ork sighting in a...

Space Wolves Great Company vs Black Legion 1850pts

In this week's battle report, Tristan Whitehead leads his Space Wolves Great Company against the Black Legion Chaos Space Marines in an 1850pts game. Over to Tristan...Right ok, So here we have a fluffy game between two friends. We started 40k together and so this is...

Space Wolves VS World Eaters 1850pts Battle Report

Following bitter defeat, Adam Skarin's Space Wolves, led by Ragnar Blackmane take on World Eaters Space Marines in this 1850pts battle report.Over to Adam Skarin to tell us all about it...My Space Wolves have met my friend Patrik's World Eaters two times before this...