Praetorian Imperial Guard Muster Pt XI: Praetorian Ordnance Support

The big gun movers and shakers of the Imperial Guard.As the Infantry moves forward, enemy fortifications and troops will be obliterated by the Manticore, Deathstrike and Basilisk units. Enemy flyers will have to negotiate the long barrels of the Hydra.Also available...

Praetorian Imperial Guard Muster Pt X: Other Praetorian Regiments

As much as I love the Praetorians, red and black can get a little tedious at times.Being inspired by the 24th Foot, I decided to look at other schemes from the history of the British Army for the odd side project when painting my models.First up, the Tunnelers. ...

Praetorian Imperial Guard Muster Pt IX: The Redcoat Backbone

Enough of the Top Brass, The Great And The Good and down to the actual muscle of the Guard.In this case, it's a Command HQ and five 55-strong platoons of Redcoated Praetorian Imperial Guard.Featured many times are the Command HQ led by the converted Commissar Lord...

Praetorian Imperial Guard Muster Pt VIII: The Inquisition

I haven't caught up with all my Inquisitors yet.  I'm still working on the Rogue Trader Terminator Daemonhunter, Gregor Eisenhorn and Greyfax plus Karamazov didn't make it to the photo session.What I do have a is a mixture of GW and non-GW models.Starting off,...