Dreadtober Thanatar WIP 3

This weekend I finished the green armour and started with the markings. I use masking tejp not only to mark lines etc but also to create areas where the paint have peeled of. This can be used on large areas or just as small infringements in otherwise hole areas. Once...

Dreadtober Thanatar WIP 2

After assembling the Thanatar and getting the pose sort of locked in I broke it apart into the subassemblies in which it was to be painted. I also took the opportunity to drill out the barrels of the plasma mortar and the mauler bolters so that the bottoms of the...

Dreadtober Thanatar WIP1

It is time for Dreadtober again!!! This time I thought I would finally get my Thanatar siege-automata done. I have had this model for a long long time. It was ordered on my birthday in 2015 so it has been collecting dust for a little over 7 years now. It was one...

Dominus knight sort of done

This week I have sort of finished my Dominus knight, at least as far as I had things to paint. Now I need to finish the arm weapons to really finish it but I do not know how long that will take as I need to sculpt some alien skulls on to them and that requires...

WIP, Dominus knight and Opus

I keep splitting my attention between my Dominus knight and Opus. This time I have finished most of the upper body and legs for the Dominus knight. Now it is on to the weapons. The shoulder mounted siege canons are constructed and are ready for paint as well as the...