Wet Palette – FAQ (English Version)

A wet palette is (or at least should be) the basic gadget of everyone who is involved in painting figurines. Still, this topic generates many doubts and questions on forums and modeling groups. In the following guide I will explain what a wet palette is, how to...

INBOX078 – Chief Liam (GC-B004)

I'll show you another bust - "Chief Liam" (GC-B004). The bust is manufactured in 1:10 scale and molded in a high quality resin. The bust is sculpted by Ki yeol Yoon and was released by Nuts Planet.Pokażę wam dzisiaj kolejne popiersie...

Mokra paleta – FAQ (Polish Version)

Mokra paleta jest (a przynajmniej powinna być) podstawowym gadżetem każdego kto zajmuje się malowaniem figurek.  Nadal jednak, ten temat generuje wiele wątpliwości i pytań na forach i grupach modelarskich. W poniższym poradniku wyjaśnię czym jest mokra paleta, jak ją...

Juweela – Bases 32mm Tabletop

Today, something for players. Round bases with a diameter of 32mm from Juweela. However, these are unique bases because they are made of plaster. Let's take a closer look at the two sets.Dzisiaj cos dla graczy. Okrągłe podstawki o średnicy 32mm od Juweela. Są...

From the workshop… #29

On the blog, as you can see again is the silence ... The reason for this state are winter holidays, which are currently in Poland. This time I spent with my family in Spain, and more specifically in Malaga. Wherever I would not look, I encountered something related to...