Książnicowe warsztaty malowania figurek vol.5

The fifth meeting of the Toruńskie Pędzle group is behind us. Below is a short photo report.Piąte spotkanie grupy Toruńskie Pędzle już za nami. Poniżej krótka relacja fotograficzna. READ MORE »

INBOX088 – Ograuth (Enigma ENM3052)

A quick look at the "Ograuth" miniature from Enigma Fantasy Miniatures (ENM3052).Szybkie spojrzenie na figurkę "Ograuth" od Enigma Fantasy miniatures (ENM3052). READ MORE »

Book Nook – Fairy Village

Today something completely different. My wife's autumn project (with a little input from me 😁). She made a Book Nook diorama in a few evenings. I think it's worth showing it to you because maybe it will inspire someone :)Dzisiaj coś całkowicie innego....

HeroQuest – Against the Ogre Horde

Chemicals are used, all released by Avalon Hill, Hero Quest game add-ons. For this reason, slowly, which are all. Today we will perform "Against the Ogre Horde". This is not a review. It also does not concern spoilers from the game, it is a look at the main...

Książnicowe warsztaty malowania figurek vol.4

The fourth meeting of the Toruńskie Pędzle group is behind us. Below is a short photo report.Czwarte spotkanie grupy Toruńskie Pędzle już za nami. Poniżej krótka relacja fotograficzna. READ MORE »