Brush Box (HobbyZone)

I have not written a product review for a long time. But a good opportunity has come, because today Hobby Zone has launched a "Brush Box". I had the opportunity to be one of his first testers. In this post you will find a 13 minute film in which I will show...

Adding details to figurines and busts.

In one of the earlier texts I have already written about adding details to the scenic bases. This guide, however, was based on one particular project. Today I want to write a bit about ideas for adding details to figurines and busts. This is a review of my old but...

Vallejo – Pigment Sets (March 2017)

March ends so it's good moment to check out the current Vallejo product catalog released in January this year. Let's take a look at the new and refreshing positions.Kończy się właśnie marzec więc to dobry moment aby zajrzeć w aktualny katalog produktów firmy...

Painting "The Guardian" (SBS)

"The Guardian" is a project that I've done with large intervals for almost 6 months. Finally I decided to finish it. While working on a project I made a lot of photos. I created also a tutorial about painting wooden barrels. I created two additional...

INBOX070 – Anti Robot Squad Sergeant (Nuts Planet GC-B001)

I'll show you SF bust from Nuts Planet - Anti Robot Squad Sergeant (Nuts Planet GC-B001). The bust is manufactured in 1:10 scale and molded in a high quality resin.Pokażę wam dzisiaj popiersie SF od Nuts Planet - Anti Robot Squad Sergeant (Nuts Planet...