Krydrufi – All-In-One Modular Art Box

Today I will show you a very interesting product from Krydrufi - All-In-One Modular Art Box. This project was fully funded through Kickstarter. A cool, inventive and universal gadget for all hobbyists. Particularly useful when you have little space in the...

Framed LOTR Diorama (Part 2)

I've continued to work on the diorama over the past week. Every day I try to devote a moment to make the project move forward. Today, another report motivating me to take action :)Przez ostatni tydzień nadal pracowałem nad dioramą. Każdego dnia staram się...

Framed LOTR Diorama (Part 1)

A few years ago (before my long break in the hobby) I really liked the so-called framed dioramas made by Romana Lappat. I really wanted to do a project like this. I started thinking about something like that, but I very fast stopped preparations. A few months ago I...

Portable Hobby Station – HobbyZone (REVIEW)

A few days ago, the Polish company HobbyZone launched a new product - the Portable Hobby Station. I'll not control the fact that for several months I've been helping in testing this product, giving ideas and adding a little heart from myself. I was the first...

Przenośny Warsztat Hobbystyczny – HobbyZone (PL VERSION)

Poniższy poradnik to nie jest dokładna instrukcja składania Portable Hobby Station - Base (HZ-OPB1) od firmy Hobby Zone. Jest to raczej zbiór zdjęć z każdego etapu aby ułatwić prawidłowy montaż. Zwróciłem tutaj uwagę  na rzeczy, które mogą sprawiać trudność, lub które...