Freeguild Cavalier Marshal

A small gallery of one of my recent works on a 32mm scale. Very pleasant painting. You can read more about the model in the review, and a detailed step-by-step guide will be the next blog post :)Mała galeria jednej z moich ostatnich prac w skali 32mm. Bardzo przyjemne...


This is the last moment to post a summary of 2023 for this blog. I abandoned this tradition a long time ago. But since I returned to the hobby in 2023 and writing here, I decided to summarize my "achievements".To ostatni moment, żeby wrzucić podsumowanie...

INBOX087 – Bayard’s Revenge (Games Workshop)

This time, unusual for me. Review of a model from Games Workshop for the Warhammer 40000 universe. However, I want to paint something different, and this is a pretty cool figure.Tym razem nietypowo jak na mnie. Recenzja kolejnego modelu od Games Workshop i to z...

Painting "Cursed City Ulfenwatch" (SBS)

Today I have for you a very detailed step-by-step guide on painting "Cursed City Ulfenwatch" figures from Games Workshop. I will use these models to play, among others, HeroQuest. I like them very much so I spent a little more time on them. I must admit I...

Army Painter – Gamemaster Character Paint Set

Since HeroQuest and games like dungeon crawler have completely captivated me and my kids for several months, I picked up another set of Army Painter paints. This is a set from the Gamemaster line - Character Paint Set. Let's take a look at what's inside and...