How to make a base with bricks and tiles?

This is a short guide on how to make a base with bricks and tiles. You can also use this method for larger scale figures, using appropriately larger bricks.Jest to krótki poradnik o tym jak wykonać podstawkę z cegłami i płytami. Możecie użyć tej metody również do...

HeroQuest – How to paint Witch Lord?

This is the last post about painting models from the Hero Quest basic box. I promise :) Witch Lord miniature.To ostatni wpis w temacie malowania modeli z podstawowego pudełka gry Hero Quest. Obiecuje :) Figurka Witch Lord. READ MORE »

INBOX086 – Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal (Games Workshop)

I don't want to lie, but I don't think I've painted a Games Workshop miniature in 10 years. Of course, I kept up to date with new releases, but I didn't buy any model. However, I have noticed that the quality of this company's models is increasing....

Painting "Secret Agent Aida" (SBS)

Another "Step by Step" for you. Another full project creation chronicle. This is a chronicle, because 7 years passed from the purchase of this miniature to its completion :) Please excuse the missing descriptions or the uneven quality of the photo, but I...

HeroQuest – How to paint Kellar’s Keep doors?

Another step-by-step guide on how to paint a door on a 32mm scale. Nothing extraordinary, but maybe someone will find it useful :)Kolejny poradnik krok po kroku, jak pomalować drzwi w skali 32mm. Nic nadzwyczajnego ale może komuś się przyda :) READ MORE »