RGG360 Definitive Edition – Redgrass

On March 14, 2024, Redgrass will launch a new project on the KickStarter platform. These will be additional options to the well-known Ergonomic Handle v2, which has been on sale for 4 years. Thanks to the courtesy of Redgrass, I have had the opportunity to familiarize...

Framed LOTR Diorama (Part 3)

I'm back to the only project in my workshop at the moment. I liked keeping you updated on how things are going. Thank you for your great response and comments :) See where I've come in the last week.Wracam do jedynego projekt w moim warsztacie w tej chwili....

Krydrufi – All-In-One Modular Art Box

Today I will show you a very interesting product from Krydrufi - All-In-One Modular Art Box. This project was fully funded through Kickstarter. A cool, inventive and universal gadget for all hobbyists. Particularly useful when you have little space in the...

Framed LOTR Diorama (Part 2)

I've continued to work on the diorama over the past week. Every day I try to devote a moment to make the project move forward. Today, another report motivating me to take action :)Przez ostatni tydzień nadal pracowałem nad dioramą. Każdego dnia staram się...

Framed LOTR Diorama (Part 1)

A few years ago (before my long break in the hobby) I really liked the so-called framed dioramas made by Romana Lappat. I really wanted to do a project like this. I started thinking about something like that, but I very fast stopped preparations. A few months ago I...