Aroooo!! Stormclaw Box Set!

Aroooo!! Stormclaw Box Set!

There's a voice on the wind, long howls in the distance. Is it a new Space Wolf codex? Well, no, not yet. But Games Workshop did put out a really cool new box set called Stormclaw. It's Space Wolves and Orks in a bloody, epic campaign battle. I, of course, ordered it...
Stomps! Legs of a Knight

Stomps! Legs of a Knight

I've made some nice progress on my Imperial Knight! This has been a really fun project so far, and I have tried my hand at several new things.  First, I sculpted some fur onto his shoulder pads. I've never done any real sculpting before, and I'm very happy with...
Beginings of an Imperial Knight

Beginings of an Imperial Knight

A couple weeks back, I went to a swap meet at my FLGS to unload some minis I'll never get around to painting. The hope was I'd sell enough stuff to be able to buy and Imperial Knight, and I did just that! He only cost $40 out of pocket. Quite a nice deal, I'd say.What...
Wargods of Olympus KS Arrived!

Wargods of Olympus KS Arrived!

I got a delightful surprise yesterday in my mail box- some fantastic Olympic demigods from Crocodile Games. They did a Kickstarter last summer for Wargods of Olympus. They're the same folks who make Wargods of Aegyptus.They were unexpected because the Kickstarter...
Elves, Gnomes, and Dwarves oh my!

Elves, Gnomes, and Dwarves oh my!

I was so delighted to see what turned up on my doorstep this weekend: my Stonehaven Elves!Moar minis!! I don't know where to start with these guys- there are so many cool ones. But I am super excited about the three trolls that were a part of the Completionist...