Newest Minicrate Arrival [Warmachine]

Got the newest arrival from Privateer Press, Ashes to Ashlynn!What awaited upon opening the new boxThe components of the miniFront of the cardBack of the cardThis is another great looking model that I'm excited to have, but this one is a bit more peculiar, because...

Battle Report, Cryx vs Khador, 1/11/18 [Warmachine]

As I've been trying to get back into Warmachine and Hordes, I've been working hard to recruit the old group of players (in addition to Joey, who is interested and new to the game), and I finally managed to get Rob interested in throwing down for a game. We decided we...

Some recent gaming!

Alright, no detailed battle reports for this post.  I just wanted to mention, and show a few pictures, of random games I've been playing.  I have a Battle Report coming shortly, and hope to get some more written up, but I really just won't have time to write...

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!I haven't stopped blogging, just been having a hard time getting enough time to sit here and post.  I have certainly been playing games- X-Wing and Attack Wing with my brother (will post about one of those soon)- he...

First game of Company of Iron, 11/7/17 [Warmahordes]

Ever since Company of Iron was announced back in June, I've been super excited to get a copy, and put it on the table. Last week, on Tuesday, I finally got the chance!I managed to get Joey to play- he has been interested in trying a miniatures game, and...