Resolutions for 2021

For this year, I'm going to try to keep the same goals I had last year, just expand my goals where I can, and realize that game playing goals are a bit too difficult to set, as I just can't predict when, or if, game play will return to normal.Get 20 painting pointsI...

Taking a look at how I did on my 2020 resolutions…

Photo by Leon Contreras on Unsplash Well, it is time to look and see how I did on my 2020 Resolutions.  This was a particularly challenging year, and gaming was heavily disrupted, so really, the fact I accomplished any of them is something I should feel good...

Quarterly Summary, 4th Quarter 2020

 Surprisingly, this isn't just me being lazy, I just figured monthly updates of what I'm up to aren't particularly interesting, so I am going to try to move to doing this quarterly.  Games PlayedMarvel Champions: The Card Game - 14 plays.  Clearly, this...

Happy New Year!

Didn't want to say much more, just wishing everyone a Happy New Year! I have been starting to write more, so you can expect to see some posts soon!

More than Monthly Summary for September 2020

Yeah... I've been busy the last few months- work has restarted, so I haven't had much time to update the blog.  But I have some time now, so let's try to update this with everything that I've done from July to September.  I'm sure this will be long, so I'm...