Ork Army Group Photo

5000 points of Orky goodness!I thought it was about time I took a group shot of my Orks. It's been a while since I've posted anything about these guys, but I have been slowly working on them in the evenings when time allows. It doesn't look like much, but...

Warhound Titan Build…..Maybe

One used Warhound courtesy of eBay.Last week one of our local commission painters, whose work you can find here, put up a post on our FLGS's forums needing help assembling models for some of his upcoming jobs. He needed help with building a Forgeworld heavy Nurgle...

More new bits from Kromlech, and a Warhound Titan

I just saw these posted over at Kromlech's blog and thought I would spread the word. I used their pirate heads and mechanical gun arms through out my Ork Freebooterz army. I have to say that the quality of the bits I used are right up there with Forgeworld. The...

40K Tournament Scenarios: The Battle for Stones River 2012

Re-posted from Bossman over at my other blog, The Istvaanians:Alright, as promised and as in the past, we are releasing six different scenarios of which four will be used at the tournament.  We want people to be able to run through the scenarios once or twice, so...

My 6th Edition 40K Prediction

Photo taken from Rites of Battle ( ritesofbattle.blogspot.com)By now I'm sure that the majority of you have seen the photo above of the two White Dwarf covers from 2012 side by side. It appears to be forming the image a Dark Angel Space Marine. In addition to that, as...