New Vampire Counts Models

The new Vargheists models for Games Workshop's Vampire Counts model range.By now everyone has seen the new Vampire Counts models from Games Workshop. Regardless of how people feel about GW, you have to admit that their models have always been some of the best around....

New Terrain Hidden in January’s White Dwarf?

Just a very quick post this morning!I'm trying to get a picture posted of the items in question, but until then flip over January's White Dwarf and check out the back cover. Notice those Dwarf statues and giant rune stones? I'm thinking that we will see these released...

Another eBay Rescue

After losing almost 20% due to fees from both eBay and PayPal when I sold my Space Wolves army, I told myself I was done with selling stuff on eBay. I get almost all of my stuff at my FLGS, Grand Adventures. But when I'm looking for those old, rare, out of productions...