Dark Vengeance Librarian Conversion and More!

Well, my new photo booth came in this afternoon and I finally got a chance to sit down and try it out. I've still got some more playing around to do with the lights, but already my photos are 1000 times better than before. Here are a few random miniatures, including...

Battle Force Challenge Update #1

Since my previous post I have been busy with several different projects. My commission work has picked up, and I've had to build up two MERC's battle groups, several Necron Warriors, around 60 Tyranid Genestealers and Gaunts. I've also been busy with a Iron Hands army...

Battle Force Challenge Update #1

Since my previous post I have been busy with several different projects. My commission work has picked up, and I've had to build up two MERC's battle groups, several Necron Warriors, around 60 Tyranid Genestealers and Gaunts. I've also been busy with a Iron Hands army...

Introducing the Warhammer 40K Battleforce Challenge

In my last post, I talked about a lack of motivation for 6th edition and 40K in general. Since then I have been thinking about what I like the most about this hobby and what is making Flames of War look so interesting. It occurred to me that I really enjoy...

Introducing the Warhammer 40K Battleforce Challenge

In my last post, I talked about a lack of motivation for 6th edition and 40K in general. Since then I have been thinking about what I like the most about this hobby and what is making Flames of War look so interesting. It occurred to me that I really enjoy...