More Posts are Coming, I Promise!

That photo about says it all. Lately it feels like my motivation for Warhammer 40K has gone. I have enjoyed the few games of 6th Edition that I have played, but for what ever reason I just don't have any desire to actively seek out a game. Maybe it's the commission...

More Posts are Coming, I Promise!

That photo about says it all. Lately it feels like my motivation for Warhammer 40K has gone. I have enjoyed the few games of 6th Edition that I have played, but for what ever reason I just don't have any desire to actively seek out a game. Maybe it's the commission...

Blog Update and a few changes

No one expects the Inquisition......Hey guys and gals! It's been a little while since I have posted anything here. In fact, it's been a while since I posted anything. My personal life has been crazy over the last few months. In that time I have come to the conclusion...

Painting a Night Goblin Horde Step by Step Part 2

It's been a little while since I posted the first part of this tutorial, but since then real life has been keeping me busy over the last two months. Things are starting to get back to normal now, so lets finish these Night Goblins!Here is where we left off last time,...

Painting a Night Goblin Horde Step by Step Part 2

It's been a little while since I posted the first part of this tutorial, but since then real life has been keeping me busy over the last two months. Things are starting to get back to normal now, so lets finish these Night Goblins!Here is where we left off last time,...