Tourin’ Tuesdays – Tayton’s Ard Boyz

So, this week, instead of a blog, or site dedicated to things that are orky, we are going to look at just one article from Taytonclait over on the Waaagh forums.  He provided an excellent tutorial for making different Ard Boyz.  Sure, we have seen the...

Madboy Mundayz – Moroniks

We return to our regularly scheduled blog, to bring you the latest in the on-going, yet to be determined when it is going to end series.  (That was a bit redundant, like saying something twice even!)If you couldn't tell by the above title, (learn 2 read!) this...

And we’re back!

Posting to resume next week!Monday - Madboy Mondays is back!Tourin Tuesdays - What site/blog/ hobbyist will we look at this week?Wednesdays - Warmachine Wednesday takes a look at some interesting combosThoughtful Thursdays - Returns with rumors in the...

Posting – One man’s limitations

So, I have a whole slew of ideas for posts, and a timeline in my head for "deadlines" and such for these posts.  Unfortunately, real life does happen, and posting has taken a definite slump as you all have witnessed.  This could be contributed to many...

Prices, Pee and other things…

So there is a lot of GW hate going around on the blog-o-sphere currently.  Everyone is “up in arms” about decisions that GW is making as a company, and “jumping ship”.  I will say that I have not actually purchased a GW miniature in over a year.  So to...