coming down and beware!!!!!

"Coming down and beware,the Imperial fists,straight Mother@#%ers,there killers in the mist"That is a edited quote from some rap song that I knew in my youth.  While I have had the last two months off of work, with one more to go, I have been doing quite a bit of...

Maullerfiend, dreadnought, errrr….. helbrute conversion?

This past weekend I got to paly a big apocalypse battle with my friends, Brother Captain James and fritz 40K.  I had promised to bat rep the battle.  i did try but in the end it was basically me jsut talking shit with Fritz.  Again and agian I had to...

Dark apostle conversion

Hi guys and one girl! This here is my new entry into the Spikey Bits chaos contest that Rob has going on over on his blog.  The more that I thought about it, the counts as Kharn model below isnt that big of a deal when considering the conversion.  Its...

"counts as," Kharn / spikey bits contest entry

Hey Fellas!  I hope everything is well for everyone out there.  This feels so strange since I havent done it in such a long time.  I have gotten to play about 4 games of the new edition, 3 of those being in a tournament that I finished dead last...

Malifaux charity participation

Mortimer finally takes his place amongst the crew.  Well believe it or not, I havent touched a fig or even thought about playing the new 6th edition of 40K yet.  In fact, I picked up the book and flipped through it for about 15 seconds and then put it down...