Springfield, IL holla!!!

This is for any one who ever needed the proof and wouldn't believe me or DARED doubt, (yes I'm looking at you Bobby,)  that Abraham Lincoln was the greatest presidential leader America has ever seen.  My liege lord has now had his true tale told and I...

well look who walked through the door

I'll have to admit that not being able to line up the pictures in neat little rows is really pushing my OCD to frustrating levels.    * a nice quiet nod or hat tip to friendly faces out there*  Im not sure if any of you guys recognize this fig, but...

Damn it Jim, Im an Apothecary, not a Dr.

Well, not a lot to say. I posting my new apothecary now, unfinished, because I dont know when I am going to really be able to work on him again. Ive let my grad school work slip a little and Ive got to tighten up the reigns so the paint station is getting put away for...

This is the end, my friend…. of Belial!

I dont have school next week so I was able to pull a lazy this weekend and sit around doing who cares what! Rent SPACE MARINE from the RedBox for $2 dollars and beat it, check! 99% complete my Belial model, check! A note on the cape: I really regret not repairing the...