by Black Matt | Sep 7, 2011
Man I had a Great day. It was a nice cool fall-ish rain outside today and I was home alone all day today. I got several things done, including this little beastie. He is my standard bearer for my "Angels of Death," army. I ate almost a whole pan of brownies with white...
by Black Matt | Aug 29, 2011
Ok well I didnt win or even go but I needed a flashy head line to get you to come over and look at my 95% completed Belial for my Deathwing army. After some time off, it seems that Stella got her grove back. By Stella, I mean me! For the longest time I couldnt stand...
by Black Matt | Jul 5, 2011
Hey fellas, I hope that things are managable out there for everyone. I finally completed the Death co. Dreadnought for the Heroes of Armaggedon charity project. I am really glad that I spoke up to Jawaballs after initially taking on a much larger portion of the blood...
by Black Matt | Jun 29, 2011
I havent done any painting except the work on this Dreadnought. The next few steps is when it will start to come together. Its due soon but a lot of the work is actually done on it, all except for the weapons that I so raved about. Not sure if Ill end up doing the...
by Black Matt | Jun 24, 2011
I ordered three sets of these Land Raider accessories to go with my two new Land Raiders that will be on the way soon enough. Thanks to everyone who came through with the trades. Ya'll helped me out of a tight spot. I will be using the Land raiders as part of my...