Imperial Fists Assault Terminators

Hi AllBluddtoof here with more on my Imperial Fists, these assault terminators are dual purpose for me; they form part of my 40k Imperial Fists force and also can proxy in for heresy era terminators in friendly games (I have no plans for competitive heresy...

Heresy Era Imperial Fists; Leviathan Dreadnought

Hi AllBluddtoof here with a long overdue post to showcase my Heresy Imperial Fists Leviathan Dreadnought....My long term goal is to have a mixed force available for both 30k and 40k, with some models unique to one or the other but most able to field in either.The...

Hobby Update, Apologies and Adeptus Titanicus!

Hi AllFirst up a big apology from myself and on behalf of everyone here at Code40k for our lack of activity over the summer! Hopefully now the weather's calmed down we'll all be a little more active.So this will be a bit of an update on the little bit of stuff I've...

Imperial Fists; Tartaros Terminator Squad

Hi AllBluddtoof here with some more work on my Imperial Fists, this time in the form of a Tartaros Terminator Squad.These puppies are the first squad for a 40k army I'm building to take to Battlefield Birmingham's doubles tourney in June, find details on...