Großer Hund Upgrade

I recently finished a project I had started some time ago, the Machinen Krieger Großer Hund in 1/20th scale. This bench queen started as a submission for the Plastic Posse Podcast group build for the 2023 IPMS National Convention. Although I had completed the...

Large Wheel 3D Printed Resin Kit

 White Tanks Hobbies YouTube channel is now live with our first video. A build video of the 1/20th scale Large Wheel kit.The kit is available for sale in 1/20th and 1/35th scales at

Store Open!

  is open for business! There are only a few products available at this time but more items will be added all the time. Check back her for regular updates!Right now I have two offerings available in 28mm scale with many more to come.The following two barriers are...

White Tanks Hobbies, formerly known as…

 While I've been away from the bloggerverse for a while I've been working on a rebranding of "The Artist of War". While the name served me well over the years I have started to head in a new direction. While I still enjoy modeling, and do so when time permits, I...

2020 Year in Review

In 2020 I started off productive on the modeling front and pretty well kept that pace going forward. Until the pandemic interrupted us all I was regularly attending model club meetings and, fortunately, after they went virtual I was able to attend a few more.I...