PJ Mask Needed a Rescue

 One morning we woke up to find that the family dog had made short work of Owlette. She didn't stand a chance. Her right hand was severed just above the wrist and her helmet was mangled. I used my hobby skills to carefully reattach her hand and set the mend...

3D Printed Mech Suit

I've had my Elegoo Mars Pro for a while now and used it to print numerous things. Miniatures, accessories for gaming, custom mounts for my Ikea cabinet, on and on. But the first thing I printed (aside from the test model) was this H.A.B. Environment Suit in 28mm...

The Thing

Some time back, at one of the many model shows I've attended I won a The Thing model kit from Toy Biz. It was a Level 1 Snap together kit. I've never been a big fan of the Fantastic 4 or Thing but the model looked like a quick build and a chance to do something a...

To Boldly Go

Shortly after purchasing my Elegoo Mars Pro resin 3D printer I set about trying to teach myself how to use Autodesk's Fusion 360. There is a free version allowed for non-commercial work or you can pay a monthly or annual subscription for commercial use. I've...

Paint Water Do Not Drink

I've had an awful lot of time on my hands as of late and found myself feeling creative. Late at night after everyone has gone to sleep I've been working on various graphic designs and coming up with some hobby solutions in hopes of expanding my Etsy shop and putting...