2018 Hobby Progress

Well I'm off to a rough start. My work schedule and other obligations have prohibited me from attending an model shows or IPMS meetings so far and I have yet to complete a single model. Who knew raising an infant would be so time consuming right?!To make matters worse...

IPMS Las Vegas Best of the West – VegasCon 2018

It's right around the corner! 2018's IPMS Las Vegas Best of the West VegasCon at theEast Side Cannery  Resort & Casino (5255 Boulder Highway,  Las Vegas, NV.  89122)Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reservations:For Weekend Room Rate call...

2017 Year in Review and 2018 Hobby Goals

2017 Year in Review2017 started out promising in the way of hobby progress. I started to organize my space work space with the addition of some Vallejo paint racks. I made some progress on an Ordos Xenos army, and even completed a Kroot Mercenary which went on to win...

Hobby Room Remodel – Part 3

In Part 1 of this 3 part series I discussed the remodel of an unused den space into my new hobby room. In Part 2 I showed you how I assembled a custom closet library from Ikea Billy bookcases. In this part I'll show you my design and process for constructing...

Hobby Room Remodel – Part 2

In Part 1 of this 3 part series I discussed the remodel of an unused den space into my new hobby room. In this part I'll show you my design and process for constructing a custom bookshelf/display cabinet from Ikea Billy bookcases.The closet in my new hobby room is...