Road to Adepticon 2015

I really wanted to make several Adepticon posts this year leading up to the event, during the event, and after the event.  Several issues prevented me from doing such not the least of which were my daughter being sick the 4 days prior to my departure and then the...

Thanquol – A Skaven Perspective

The End Times are in full swing for the Warhammer world and January saw the release of the Thanquol addition.  This book saw several editions to the Warhammer game but primarily focuses on Skaven.  Like many other End Times expansions the releases are...

War & Empire Kickstarter – Delivered!

As many of you know I pledged to support the War and Empire kickstarter back in Summer of 2013. The original delivery date was May of 2014 but, because of the overwhelming success of the campaign, they pushed it back until Fall of 2014.  So when Fall rolled...

Infinity Boot Camp

Infinity contains such a wide breadth of rules, equipment, and skills that to really learn the game and know the ins and outs of the core game and all the factions takes time and patience.  We've all seen the posts on how to get started in Infinity.  I've...

Hacking in Infinity N3, Part 1 – The Basics

This week I finally manage to deliver on the N3 hacking article I promised at the beginning of the month.  N3 made a number of overt changes to the game from giving the reactive player more opportunities to react to interacting with terrain.  The changes to...