The Trouble With Morats

Since coming back from Adepticon I’ve started playing my Morat Aggression Force in the local escalation league.  New to the Combined Army and MAF sectorial I of course went over to the Infinity forums to look for advice.  While there I read a number of...

Full Speed Ahead!

As is pretty typical for me I've taken some time off from writing new articles on the blog.  Most of this dealt with work but I've been pretty busy at home trying to clear out clutter so my wife and I can put our house up for sale.  Needless to say my hobby...

Post Adepticon 2015 Wrap-up

Now that I covered the events I participated in I wanted to give a brief overview of some of the important aspects of Adepticon.  What did I think of the new space?  What did I pick up in the vendor hall?  What was the best part of Adepticon for me?...

Adepticon – Infinity Grand Tournament

After Friday's Joint Operation Tournament with Tim I played in Saturday's Grand Tournament.  This event consisted of four rounds of ITS scenarios at 300 points per player.  Overall I performed much better on Saturday but I did make a number of boneheaded...

Adepticon – Infinity Joint Operations Tournament

At Adepticon I took part in two Infinity events, the Joint Operations tournament and the Grand Tournament.  This crazy event pits two teams of  players against each other with each player bringing 300 points.  Yup, that's right, 600 points per side....