Hobby Sunday 11/12/16- Deathwatch Veterans

This week, I have been continuing my work on my Deathwatch Veteran Marines. As I mentioned in last week's Hobby Sunday, I have been taking more time over the individual Marines in my Deathwatch army to help with the more small-scale, elite nature of the army. I...

Battle Report 89- 1850 pts Deathwatch vs Iron Warriors

This week's battle report sees my Deathwatch take on Gareth's 30k Iron Warriors in the Cloak and Dagger maelstrom mission. My 1850 pts Deathwatch army consisted of:Black Spear Strike ForceWatch Master- Guardian Spear, Beacon Angelis (with V1)5 Veterans- 2 Heavy...

Club Search- Newcastle Warlords

As part of my continuing efforts to try all the gaming clubs in the local area, last week I visited Newcastle Warlords. The club meets at St Marys the Virgin Church in Fawdon on a Thursday (7-10 pm) every two or three weeks (depends on when the hall is...

Hobby Sunday 04/12/16- Deathwatch Test Scheme

This week, I have been painting up the first of my Deathwatch marines to test out the colour scheme for the army. Earlier in the week, I had a go at edge highlighting the first of the marines. The attempt went ok, but I was advised to complete the rest of the...