Hobby Wednesday 30/11/16- Deathwatch Marines

I started painting up my Deathwatch marines this week, wanting to try some new techniques on them for once. After undercoating them black, I had a go at painting the first edge highlights with Thunderhawk Blue. As you can see in the photos below, I am not used to...

Battle Report 87- 1500 pts Deathwatch vs Tyranids

This week's battle report is the first game featuring my new Deathwatch army. I was playing at Heaton Games Club taking on Adam and his Tyranids. I had previously played his Dark Eldar, so was interested to see how this game would play out. We rolled for mission and...

Fluffageddon 2016: Army Review

This post will review my army for the recent Fluffageddon tournament, how it performed and how it could be improved. Army ReviewAs a reminder, my army was:Ravenwing Strike ForceInterrogator-Chaplain- Bike, Meltabombs, Auspex, Mace of Redemption5 Ravenwing Command...

Fluffageddon 2016- Armies on Display

Today's post features some of the army photos from the Fluffageddon tournament. Hope you enjoy!First up is Ian's Ork army. He actually ended up taking the Best Army award and it was well deserved. You can see more of his army on his blog, Need More...

Fluffageddon Battle Report 3- Ravenwing vs Eldar

The final game of Fluffageddon 2016 saw me playing at the top table against Danny and his Eldar army. This mission would be a variation of kill points, where the units destroyed would be worth Blood Points equal to their points value (with half points available for a...