40k Rulebook FAQ now up!

Hi everyone,wanted to share this link with the blog readers. The rulebook FAQ is now up on the warhammer community page.I've had a quick look through and two changes from the draft FAQ I spotted were:- Scout moves occur before Seize the initiative. This makes sense,...

Fluffageddon Battle Report 2- Ravenwing vs Astra Militarum

After a great first round game, I found myself at the top table facing off against Lewis and his tank-heavy Astra Militarum army. This mission was the Eternal War mission Crusade with 5 objectives. My army consisted of:Ravenwing Strike ForceInterrogator-Chaplain-...

Frontline Gaming Article Highlight

I've steadily been continuing to write content for Frontline Gaming, as well as my own blog posts here. I thought I would take the time to highlight some of my recent articles that may be of interest to the blog readers that you may have missed. Humourous Army...

Fluffageddon Battle Report 1- Ravenwing vs Blood Angels

Welcome to the first battle report from my games at Fluffageddon 2016. The tournament was billed as a more relaxed event with a moderate degree of comp and emphasis on building an army that fit with the background of the relevant race. Overall, the tournament was...

Guest Post- The Definitive guide to Youtube Video Battle Reports

Hi everyone, this week's Guest Post comes from Chris Rhode. In this article he talks about his top picks for Youtube channels for 40k video battle reports.The Definitive Guide to Youtube Video Battle Reportsby Chris RhodeHi again St. Andrews faithful! Thanks...