by Crimzzen | Jan 22, 2012
1750 Pts – Space Wolves Roster HQ: Rune Priest in Power Armour (1#, 100 pts) – Hops in Rhino 1 Rune Priest in Power Armour, 100 pts (Living Lightning; Murderous Hurricane) Elite: Wolf Guard Pack (6#, 238 pts) 5 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Combi-Meltagun...
by Crimzzen | Jan 20, 2012
So I’ve played a game or two with my wolves list and realized I was short-changing myself on points. Here’s the revised list: [100] Rune Priest – Murderous Hurricane, Jaws of the World Wolf [85] 5 Wolf Scouts – Meltagun [85] 1 Lone Wolf...
by Crimzzen | Jan 18, 2012
Space Wolves up First: 1750/1750 Space Wolves List: [100] Rune Priest – Murderous Hurricane, Jaws of the World Wolf [285] 5 Wolf Guard – 2 Combi-Melta/Power Fist (In Rhinos), 1 Combi-Melta/Wolf Claw (In Rhino), 1 Combi-Melta (In Scouts), 1 Terminator /w CML (Either...
by Crimzzen | Jan 15, 2012
Loving my BA jump list/mech list but I just can’t get the space wolves out of my head! This could be fun: 1750 Pts – Space Wolves Roster HQ: Rune Priest in Power Armour (1#, 100 pts) 1 Rune Priest in Power Armour, 100 pts (Jaws of the World Wolf;...
by Crimzzen | Jan 12, 2012
The below comes from Got this info about the 6th ed leak. It was done on a home edition of the program that GW use the professional version of, this version was 1.5 vs the 1.6 that GW use for all their other (older) published...