Terminator Chaplain – Best Model in 40k?

Well I certainly think so! This has actually been the model that, for me, embodies what 40k is all about. Dark and Menacing? Check. Skulls? Check. Looks like he will kick your teeth in for looking at him the wrong way? Check! Yep, a triple threat. So I painted one a...

Anyone Can Paint This Stuff

I’ve said it a number of times on The Independent Characters but I truly believe that anyone out there can paint their models to a better than table top standard. Quite easily too. Good Lord I cannot believe I am about to write a painting article… What...

Terminator Concept Painting Complete

Concept Terminators FrontSo usually what I do when I am going to paint an army is come up with the steps I am going to use to paint a model in advance. These are usually some combination of various tutorials I find on the web that I cobble together into my own mix for...

The Ultramarines ARE cool!

Love the Ultramarine Forge World door details!Progress in my Ultramarines Project for The Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge (even though I can’t win!) is going very well! I have accomplished a bit more than I have pictured here though. First let me...

Much has transpired this last year!

I think it is obvious to anyone who bothers to look at this space that I haven’t updated it in quite some time. The forum associated with this site is used primarily by my close friends to organize games we play and share information that is best kept private....