by ctuttle | Feb 23, 2011
Well I was able to complete my World Eaters in time for Dundracon just as I had claimed I would on The Independent Characters. I know I don’t update this site that often, but that’s because The IC’s is going so well and taking so much of my time. For...
by ctuttle | Dec 31, 2010
I’ve finally started working on a large centerpiece model for my gaming table(s). Since Line of Sight is so important in 5th Edition – it has becoming increasingly important to have terrain where people can’t simply snipe you through a window with a...
by ctuttle | Aug 23, 2010
I finally broke out the Space Hulk boxed set and assembled everything. I got the game thanks to my buddy Aaron when it first came out. But I never assembled it or played it – since I was so caught up in my projects with 40k. Well our Dark Heresy game fell...