This week on ebay…

o/With the holiday mailing rush over meaning that shipping via the postal service is no longer a nightmare (or, least its not any worse than the norm), I decided to offer up a few more unwanted toys to the almighty ebay.First up, The Buffet Assault Group...

I restocked paint, FINALLY!

Now that I actually have primer (purchased for me by my Beloved Wolfy), I can start painting again and these three boyz are first on my 'to do' list!Coming soon: World WAAAAUGH II!Sorry for the super-short post but we have family in town, so time is short.

Rogue Stars: Our first game

o/Scott vs, Hoss...Saturday night, my beloved Wolfy, myself, Hoss and Scott got together for our first ever game of Rogue Stars. Hoss, was really the only one who had a firm grasp of the rules, as neither Wolfy nor Scott had read them, and I generally fail to...

So what happened to that Thursday post?

Oh yeah, some dumb-ass forgot to post one, that's what.Anyways, Rogue Stars doesn't really have any game related fluff, leaving the players to create their own. As my readers already know, I love doing that and so here is the fluff for my initial Rogue Stars crew (and...

Rogue Stars

o/So yeah...this is happening. Our buddy Hoss was going on about this game in our local gaming group's FB page and Wolfy and I gave it a look. The reviews look good, the excerpts we could see/read online looked promising, and...well to quote Wolfy directly:"It...