16 out of 24…

o/That's all I was able to assemble/salvage out of my Panzerfauste Gnomes. Having sustained a 33% casualty rate during just the assembly process (due to irreparable air bubbles and mis-molds) is thoroughly disheartening. Yes they are cool minis, and yes the company...

Female Primarchs?

o/We all know how much interwebz nerd rage has been typed over the (im)possibility of female Space Marines, but as always the Horus Heresy novels feed new little tidbits into the original backstory (and yes I'm sure someone somewhere is already saying that the novels...

Arming the troops, TAKE: 2

o/Notta lot of hobby time available this week given that its almost Christmas. However the metal replacement arms for my Hysterical Games Gnomes that I had hoped to use for Bolt Action arrived this week, and I scraped up a bit of time to see how they'll work out.So...

The Outremar are getting even MOAR DAKKA!!!

o/Originally these were intended for different squads, hence the different should pad colors. That said I'll probably just leave em as is for the time being.Back in October I placed an order with Hasslefree minis. They were running a sale for Halloween and as usual, I...

The demise of the Imperial Forestry Service?

o/ I was reading the the latest update on Faeit in regards to the Inquisition, and their sudden loss of Rhinos aside from the SoB variety and thought: 'But what about my Imperial Forestry Service?' Do they require an SoB driver now? (not that that really matters...