Delay of game…

...or rather this post is a few hours late as it was delayed by playing a game.Kushial came over last night for a round of X-Wing and dinner (the latter being a delicious stew cooked by my Beloved Wolfy). He also brought over an old sculpt Charger that he acquired for...


lol, yes for real.This week I painted two more Pyg Bushwhackers for my Warmahordes Trollkin Army (no, no...don't call it that, such a title might give Rob hope!), my Trollkin collection. This gives me 4 finished with a 5th in progress, plus Gunnbjorn.I tried...


Supreme Copmmander GoobYou will respect my Athoriah!One-time Commander-now-turned-Outcast squad leader Goob and his squad quailed within the seat harnesses of the orbital dropship. The ship bucked and bounced down through the turbulent atmosphere and wildly inaccurate...

Blood Bowl, the bitter revival…

BLOOD BOWL'S BACK! EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY BLOOD BOWL!!!The Wurtbastards were undefeated in their 3-4 year run,primarily as a non-digital opponent couldn't be found.Not that the living rule book rules were invalid, or that what's been described as the greatest...

Apparently its long-overdue Kickstarter season…

For the 2nd time now inside a month, yet a long overdue kickstarter has delivered. Previously I got my Green Alliance WWII Orcs, and this time our Dynamic colored X-Wing templates arrived! The movement and range templates look just fantastic!Our only complaint (aside...