Paint: I giveth, and I taketh away…

o/Man its been a busy day! Its damned near 10pm as I type this and really the only time I've had to just chill this evening was whilst eating dinner. Whew, being an adult and all that...yeah, it sucks.Still looking kinda ugly...Anyways, it wasn't like that all week,...

Predator WIP 1

o/Well, its been a long time coming, but my original predator (for those who don't recall, this is the 1st 40k model ever that I bought), has finally made its way to the front of my painting queue (again).As you can see, the new reinforcements have arrived as...

Sergeant or Centurion?

o/Okay so I'm torn.This was supposed to my 2nd veteran tactical squad's Sgt., but he looks so awesome that I'm thinking now that he might work better as a centurion (because I'm so lacking in HQ models). He stands out far more than my other Sgt., and easily rivals if...

The production line begins…slowly.

o/Their bases still need rocks/stuff.I finally finished my 2nd veteran tactical squad sergeant, but I don't have any good pics of him yet. I did however begin assembling the rest of my Mk IV marines here and there over the course of the weekend.I only built two minis...

We actually played a game!

o/As the title says, we actually played a game of X-Wing, though to be honest its the first game of any sort that we've played in what seems like forever. The gamenight at the FLGS was a washout. I guess my and Wolfy's absence has been the deathknell of it here of...