Panzerfauste: My first battle

SPOILER ALERT: Gnomes: 1, Da Masta Cheef: 0This originally was going to be a nerd rage fueled, vitriolic rant post! However the fine folks at Hysterical Games, and co-owner (I think) Rob specifically, corrected that notion before I even had the chance to type up that...

Just trying to map things out.

o/Not a whole of physical progress on the hobby front this week. I did however make a chart showing how my 30k army is coming along.Its about half painted...which is already better than most of my past armies.If everything was assembled (and its not), the army tops...

Like a shot out of left field!

I painted an Eldar mini. I've always liked this model and every now and again the urge would pop into my head to paint it. However having no real want to play 40k instead quelled the notion and in the case this mini remained. This go round however, that thought...

Quonset the Hut!!!

o/Yesterday I finished my Quar-Bolt Action terrain piece. For those that missed my mention of it previously, its a very Foreign Legion monument and triage station. The project was a fun little exercise and a nice diversion from painting all of those Alpha Legion...

"Punishing" some new colors…

Our 1st batch of Noble Knight goodies arrived Wednesday and once again the urge to paint this ship up like Da Bad Moons icon has hit me! This however is my Beloved Wolfy's ship, so the colors of it's repaint will be up to her.Speaking of paint, I got the above to go...