The Buddha Bot

As opposed to the other meditation droid...In all likelihood this droid powered down for a reboot and just never powered back up...or something like that. This is another Robot of the Month Club bot that I didn't quite know what to do with and so it sat (literally) on...

Star Wars Legion Rebel AT-RT

An AT-RT was the first ever Legion mini that I painted back during the dark days of the pandemic. I wasn't too fond of it and promptly eBayed it away. Whilst I only made a few bucks on the endeavor, the best part by far was the buyer sending me a message after he...

Black Dragons Intercessors

 o/These were all supposed to be in the same squad, however then I noticed a second sergeant model...Following hot on the heals of my Ultramarine Assault Intercessors, are my first five painted Black Dragon Intercessors. I first started work on the Sergeant with...

Ultramarines update

 o/My last two Ultramarine assault intercessors are complete. The other five will go to the Black Dragons.I'm really liking the laser cut plants!The squad as a whole.While a Star Wars legion AT-RT and a handful of Black Dragon Intercessors are vying for total...

My, what a wyrd inquisitor you have…

 o/No doubt he is still hired out to the highest bidder (The Emprah!).This is my second and final entry for Neverness' 2023 Inquisitorial Conclave painting challenge. This guy is wyrd in more ways than one. First off, he is indeed an old, old Wyrd from...