The Tau Muppet Auxilaries enter the fray

"Kids, today's letter is "G'. 'G' is for the Greater Good..."Or rather they would have last weekend, but everyone else bailed ceding whatever planet we would have been fighting for to the Tau Empire with nary a shot fired. Scraping for enough points to bring my...

2022 Inquisitorial Conclave post #1

 o/I had to 'rearm' this mini as the china-cast arms kept breaking during assembly.Hello folks. It's time for another of Neverness' Inquisitorial Conclaves where bloggers get together and pledge to paint Inquisitors and their assorted cronies and hangers-on for...

Fighting to the last ham!

That title will make sense in a bit...I was pleased to find that my Day'lth army really blended in quite well with the terrain!Rather than the usual, multi-player free-for-all, this past weekend I played a more traditional 1 vs. 1 game of 40k vs. Rob. We fielded...

My current works in-progress (for this past week)

 o/I have a bat rep to do from this weekend's game, but it is late in the evening I'm not feeling too motivated at this particular point in the day. Instead, I'm just going to post pics of the random smattering of projects on my desk that I've been working on...

The Harbinger of the Old Ones

o/Let's see...hmmm, theguide book says its best to bypass this particular planet due to a severe infestation of humanity. Here I go, bringing tourism of all things to the Grim Dark. While not a tourist per se, it may be more of just an interplanetary...