Tau Gue’vesa (Human Helpers) Pathfinders & more!

Happy Valen-Tau's day folks! I've designated this mini as squad Gue'vesa'ui sergeant since its my favorite mini out of the five.I thought I'd share a bit more Tau love with my latest completed batch of minis. First up, my Heresy Labs KS Gue'vesa Pathfinder...


Harsh. Accurate, but still a bit harsh. This week I painted up my Dal'yth Tau's Cadre Fireblade & a squad of 8 'counts as' Strike Team Hogzilaries (yes, you pronounce that phonetically). The latter were cheap, 3D printed minis I got some ways back just...

How now Green Tau?

10 out of 11, not bad for a week's painting! Aways back I posted where I'd repaired my (then) 1-off fire warrior whom had been decapitated by the office cleaning crew at work. I've always liked the color scheme, mainly as it was both simple and quick to paint....

Captain Teague’s new ride

If there's one thing that the Squats loathe about the galaxy ('nids aside), it's the physical need to have to look up to all of the lesser races of the galaxy. It absolutely infuriates them! To remedy this, the previously forlorn Captain Teague has gotten himself a...

Star Schlock Astro-Guard

Psst: Did you hear that?Hear what...?(slight pause)...that. Better go check it out... The squad as a whole.The guy with the red striped helm is the Squad sergeant/leader.Judging by these sculpts, the sculptor apparently likes his women petite and leggy. The...