Silver Drakes Sergeant

On my signal, unleash hell...A few months back, I bought a squad of assembled and (mostly) base coated silver Intercessors to serve as reinforcements for my Silver Drakes due to my Ultramarines army having substantially depleted the Drakes' numbers. Naturally though,...

On station once again.

 o/Sans helmet, he can now stare death directly in the eyes!This lone Fire Warrior was a 1-off paint job I did some ways back when a bit too much OD Green globbed out of the dropper bottle whilst painting something Bolt Action and I didn't want it all to go to...

Ultramarine Primaris Ancient & Friends are complete

 o/To quote Neverness who saw a preview of this model:'That's the face of a guy who stares down Greater Daemons!'Well these three were a bit of a slog, especially after the Banner scroll debacle. Said debacle delayed this post by about a week, indeed my prior...

Frankie (briefly) joins the Empire!

 Frankie carefully choosing his maneuvers, with his dial hidden from my view beneath the table (because you know, they're so transparent to begin with...).o/Frankie stayed home with us this past weekend, so as per our usual when he does so, the two of us spent a...

Ultramarines Ancient WIP

 Currently, I hate it. I'm pretty sure that that banner scribbling says something akin to: this guy sucks at painting. Okay so...were it not for the fucking flag, these three would have already been done (days ago). That is despite an unwanted visit by...