Two more Ultramarines assault intercessors are complete!

 o/FOR THE EMPEROR!!Sure they're a week late and (as is always the case with 40k) quite a few dollars short, but at least I did manage to finish these two up before going off in some other direction. Like my prior post featuring Lt. Horridus, this is just a photo...

Ultramarines Primaris Lieutenant Horridus is complete!

The title says it all really. I got a bit excited painting this mini and as such Lt. Horridus kind of left his two subordinate assault intercessors in the dust. They're still in the paint queue though and I hope to finish them sometime in the next week or so. Anyways...

Smurfs in progress…

 o/Hey Siph? Do I have the correct hair color for Lt. Horridus?Just a quick update to let you all know that I'm celebrating Orktober by painting Ultramarines. Because...heresy and all that...or something. Lt. Horridus is now ready for decals I think. He is...


Why am I painting Ghar again?Best I can offer you is this: who the hell knows...Sorry, these indoor pics kinda suck, but I ran out of daylight...There ya go, the view that most of their foes see: the backsides of these little buggers as they flee for their...

Maelee, the ‘female’ space marine

Purists like Neverness, no doubt already feel their gorge rising at this heretical notion...So...given that the Primaris marines shit-canned decades of fluff by their sudden appearance into 40k, I ask why stop there? If Cawl could so improve upon the Emprah's...