Da boyz iz back in town!

 o/My assembled Kill Team Ork Kommandos:Honestly, they really are beautiful sculpts!As I've sold off my KT rules and tokens, these will instead be folded into my Ork army's scant infantry forces (increasing it by almost a third)! The only speshulists built were...

….annnnnnd I’m broke.

Well, not really. However my buying new toys budget is frozen for a bit as at this point I have so many new minis to build and paint that I don't even know where to start! I perused the new KT rules and was so thrilled with the updates that those plus the tokens and...

Gettin’ in (Heavy) Gear

 o/A Warrior IV. This was one of my first purchases and as it turns out...it wasn't the model I actually wanted. Oh well.Yes, yes...as mentioned previously I'm revisiting an old, dead game that I got rid of way back in 2015. However, Heavy Gear seems to have had...

New Toys

My recent arrivals: Imperial Mud Troopers, a single Republic Clone, a lone Gamorrean, and a smattering of minis from Diehard Miniatures. Ah yes, its that time of the year again. The annually occurring bout of me buying all kinds of random minis in under the...

Inquisitor MS-D05 is complete!

The Ordo Mechanimun is a little known Ordo that works closely with the Explorators of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the much larger Inquisitonal branch of the Ordo Xenos. Principally, they are tasked with confiscating recovered Xenos weapons lest they fall into the wrong...