Hey! You! Yeah you! Stop humming the A-Team TV show theme!!As mentioned in my prior post, Frankie has dubbed his YT-1300 the Red Kraken. Originally, its name was to be based on/named after the starter world Bracca from the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order....

Another round of X-Wing

 o/Been quiet here of late, due to a bit of family vacationing in Chicago. It was HOT! Expensive...but a hellova lot of fun. We really needed it and enjoyed ourselves immensely. Following that was a week of catching back up to reality...and finally this past...

Adeptus Mechanicus Vanguard test model is complete

 o/Many sacred unguents and oils will be needed after this dusty campaign...No idea with what's up with that 'splash' of wash on the right bottom of his coat. No amount of scrubbing would remove it (unless I wanted to take the paint with it, and I didn't...).I've...

It was a Star Wars Friday night with Frankie

o/My GF's son is (like me) a bit of a Star Wars nut. As such, the other evening when they were staying at my house for the night he asked What am I going do to entertain myself now? It was too brght outside for a proper light saber duel, his Switch was at home...

A Cogboy and a Corsair

 o/I'm quite certain that those runes are insulting in one language or another...T'was a busy week, but I did manage a little bit of hobby time. Finally managing to get some flat black Panzer grey primer (the latter was close enough, since the former is sold out...