My first batch of Bolt Action minis are complete!

It's TOMMY! Who's still pinned down by Jerry... Whew, I did it! All minis were painted before anymore were purchased arrived in the mail! Whilst it's obvious none will win any awards being just 'table top quality', I'm rather pleased with all of them as...

Soooo…I went and did a thing.

Yep, you guessed it. I (predictably) bought MOAR stuff before painting all of what I had first. I came close though, really I did! Originally, I had a dozen infantrymen and a Mk VI B for my British Bolt Action 'army'. Out of that little force, the tank and a half...

Sikh and Destroy!

 o/Now with three Sikh riflemen completed and three more in progress, I guess I can say momentum has been achieved. How much? Who can say, but I have it for right now anyways, propelled all the more by the fact that Bolt Action has been resurrected from the dead...

I’m off to a ‘dazzling’ start!

Well that was easy(ish). I started off painting my Bolt Action force with my little (but mighty?) Mk VI B. I finished it out in an evening and am rather pleased with it. I opted for the caked on dust wash much like my Incandescent Coyotes. Google any image of a combat...


This is Tommy. Tommy is at war with Jerry. Tommy is a lieutenant, ready to give his all for King and Country. Unfortunately for Tommy, Jerry is shooting at him with an MG42 forcing our beleaguered Tommy to lie on his tummy and hide behind this lowly rock....